Software Tools

The software applications included with this book are meant to simulate various interactive and adaptive scenarios that composers frequently find in games. In turn, they help composers learn various fundamental composing techniques such as horizontal resequencing, vertical remixing, and writing effective transitions.

Instructions are provided for each of the companion software tools that explain how to utilize that tool. You can use these tools to demonstrate how an interactive composition might work in a game so as to sell a client on the use of adaptive music in their game. At a later date, they’ll be a video screen record which explains each tool in more detail. Expected completed Sept/2014.

Each tool included with the book demonstrates a single, specific principle that can be used in adaptive music. Often when composers begin by using an advanced audio middleware engine like Wwise or Fmod, they don’t know where to start. These middleware engines offer a vast array of features but don’t inform the composer about the advantages and disadvantages of using one technique over another. The tools included with this book are meant to help composers understand these differences on a smaller scale before they move on to a more sophisticated audio middleware solution.

Download Mac Versions

Horizontal Resequencing Simulator Using Branching
Horizontal Resequencing Simulator Using Advanced Branching
Vertical Remixing Simulator
Transition Simulator
Sound Design Tool

Download PC Versions

Horizontal Resequencing Simulator Using Branching
Horizontal Resequencing Simulator Using Advanced Branching
Vertical Remixing Simulator
Transition Simulator
Sound Design Tool